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At the Andolfi Family Therapy Centre, we're a diverse team of psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and counsellors. We're all trained in family therapy and we work together to help families, couples, and individuals to heal.

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Family Therapy

At family therapy, we bring parents and children closer together to uplift the family's emotional and mental health.


Families become aware of unhelpful interaction patterns and develop healthier ways to interact with one another.


And because your current predicaments might be connected to early development challenges, when you reconcile with your past, you can see the present in a new, different way and can take on new supportive behaviours.


When you come as a family, every family member is on the same page and brings the experience home with them – so that healing can continue at home.

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Couples Therapy

We work with couples who are having marital conflict; issues with infidelity, financial management, conflict with in-laws, different parenting styles, deciding if they should stay together, and working through divorce and co-parenting. We also work with couples who struggle with parenting issues that are amplified when the child has learning difficulties (or is disabled).


Couples therapy is experienced through a family therapy lens, where we explore the effect of family on current relationships. Often, unhelpful interaction patterns that we learn from our 'growing up' family are transferred into our romantic relationships.


In couples therapy, you'll learn new, helpful ways to interact that build on each other's strengths.

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Individual Therapy

We work with individuals who are struggling with anxiety, depression, suicidal and self-harming tendencies, eating disorders, romantic relationships, work/career issues, and problems with sexual identity.


Individual therapy is done from a family therapy lens; neglect, emotional injury, grief, or loss sustained during our developmental years with our 'growing up' family may reappear later in life. And unless we deal with these issues, it's difficult to be whole and free.


At times, we may help you to activate relationships that can help you to heal – friends, partners, grandparents, parents, and siblings that might be able to help the therapeutic process may be invited for special one-off consultation sessions.

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Pricing is from RM200 - RM500 per session. Each session is between 60-75 minutes long and takes place weekly (or every other week).


It's common to experience, in total, 20 sessions, though the number of sessions depends on the complexity of the situation. Some families (or couples/individuals) require only 6-7 sessions before they have what they need.


The per-session fee is not linked to the experience of the counsellor (every counsellor is free to determine how much they want to charge).


For families who are in financial distress, we do have intern counsellors who are available for RM50 - RM150 per session.


If a session goes longer than 75 minutes, there are no extra fees.

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