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Family Therapy in a Changing World: Reflections and Insights from the Assisi Conference

The global landscape of therapy is undergoing a transformation, influenced by the growing recognition of the importance of individual and social resources. One recent event that served as a beacon of this transformation was the Assisi Conference held in Italy. This international conference brought together over a thousand students, counsellors, therapists, social workers, and academics from around the world, including a group of 20 Malaysian therapists.

Malaysian therapists at the conference

The conference theme, "The Road that Connects Individual and Social Resources," placed a spotlight on the profound societal impact on families. It amplified the role of economic factors, cultural norms, technological advancements, and evolving gender roles. This interdisciplinary gathering served as a platform for therapists to collaborate, exchange knowledge, and further the understanding of how these influences can be addressed to promote healthy and resilient families in a changing world.

A highlight of the conference was the recognition of the extended family and community's power in the healing process. It emphasised the critical role that these resources can play in fostering resilience and aiding in recovery, especially in cases involving trauma. Involving the extended family and community in the therapy process reduces isolation, combats stigma, and facilitates intergenerational healing.

The conference also underscored the significance of the humanistic approach in therapy. By creating a safe and supportive environment, therapists can foster open communication, empathy, and understanding among family members. Recognising that mental disorders are influenced by relational patterns within the family system, therapists are encouraged to explore family interactions, communication styles, and underlying beliefs to address dysfunctional patterns.

Malaysian participants at the plenary sessions at the Lyrick theatre

Darrel Lourdes, a counsellor from Malaysia, shared his personal reflections about the conference. For him, the conference was an opportunity to expand his network and connect with therapists globally. It also served as a reminder that he is part of something much larger than himself or his home country, Malaysia. He was inspired by hundreds of people who have been working tirelessly to improve, learn about, and promote family therapy.

Furthermore, Darrel compared the three-day conference to a master's course in family therapy due to its depth and richness. The attendees explored various topics, ranging from using the voice of the child in therapy to the societal impact on the family. The conference also featured creative presentations on new ways of conducting therapy, emphasising the use of art and community involvement.

It was a worthwhile trip for the whole gaggle of Malaysian therapists. The Assisi Conference offered valuable insights and reflections on the importance of family therapy in a changing world. By embracing a holistic, humanistic approach that engages the extended family and community, therapists can empower individuals and promote overall well-being. The conference served as a reminder that by leveraging available resources within the family and community, therapists can facilitate healing and resilience in the face of mental disorders. Subscribe to our newsletter for more news, events and useful articles and opinions.

The directors of the Andolfi Centre with Maurizio

Informal conversations with Mary Hotvedt, a keynote speaker


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