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Bring Your Family Closer Together

Improve how you, your spouse, and your family interact and resolve painful conflicts.

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Family therapy is experienced with the whole family. Together with a trained family therapist, you will:

  • Work with a therapist to provide a safe space for your family to work through issues


  • Understand the problems that your family is facing



  • Be supported through the process of trying new ways of interacting


  • Help your family heal from past wounds, and


  • Learn to leverage your family's strengths

So that you can heal and bring your family closer together.


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“For the longest time, it was really hard for me to say yes to therapy. I was so resistant and sceptical due to past experiences. With my wife’s persistence, I eventually did in mid-2021. We had therapy sessions both as a couple and together with the kids. The sessions have gone so well that now, I’m encouraging others to also go for therapy. The fact that I’ve continued attending the sessions after a year speaks volumes of the quality of therapy here at Andolfi Family Therapy Centre. Our counsellor lets the sessions flow and doesn’t force - he follows our speed based on how ready we are. I’ve gained understanding and closure of my past. There’s less personal judgment, more openness, growth and self-confidence.”


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I suffered through a long-term, traumatic relationship as a child with my mother and as an adult with my late husband. All of which left me feeling worthless, useless and never good enough as a woman, as a mother, and as a person. But I was never able to put the pieces together until later on in life, after a series of life-changing experiences.


Upon the demise of my husband, I turned to alcohol as my place of comfort and solace. A place that numbed the painful emotions within me and the hurtful series of events that occurred in my life. Alcohol helped me with the short-term needs of loneliness, the feeling of emptiness, the rejection and the need to feel worthy. But it was all a temporary feeling, in the high, and once the substance left the body, I was feeling twice as bad. What I did not realize then was that alcohol was eating me up on the inside, emotionally more than anything else. After a few years of battling my inner demons, I held out my hands for help. When I was finally able to accept the painful fact that I was an alcoholic.


My counsellor at Andolfi Family Therapy Centre was God-sent.


I met him through a referral and the journey that I had with him was a blessing that did not just help me to analyze my present state of mind as an alcoholic, but to unlock the past trauma that has significantly destroyed my life in many ways, for almost three decades and to deal with it fearlessly. He understood the core of the problem that I thought I was over with, helped me to find the courage to face it and gave me the wisdom to deal with it. It was not the addiction itself but the journey of realizing something deeper that left me wounded time after time which resulted in a self-destructive habit or pattern. My counsellor was able to guide me out of the trauma by helping me understand what worked best for me, what was right or wrong from a psychological standpoint, what was acceptable and unacceptable for personal growth, and what I truly needed as a person, as a human. My counsellor was a much-needed guide, especially for a person like me whose mind lost its ability to process and evaluate situations due to prolonged abuse - physically, emotionally, mentally, and verbally.


Today, I am in a better place because my counsellor was not there just as a counsellor but above that, as a friend - who never judged me through circumstances. He was bold by the notion of, "being cruel to be kind," and I have finally found my strength and my worth. I am truly grateful for the time he has spent with me because that valuable time has made me view things from a perspective that I may not have, otherwise.


Thank you.


What Happens When You Sign Up for Family Therapy

When you step into family therapy, you're greeted by a trained counsellor who walks with you in your journey to heal your family and your relationships. Here's what you can expect:

  • The first two to three sessions are to discover the root causes of your problems.


  • We'll then discuss with you and your family, and agree on goals for the therapy.


  • The number of subsequent sessions depends on the complexity of your situation. Each session is 60-75 minutes. It's common to experience up to 20 sessions.

You are in charge of your sessions, which means you can continue or terminate your sessions at any time.

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What Makes Family Therapy Effective

Family therapy is effective because it brings the whole family into the room. When a family is in therapy together, we address individual and family issues at the same time. And because the whole family brings the therapy experience back home, the environment is healthier and healing continues outside of therapy.

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